Highly accurate manganin resistance dc shunts. When a current is passed through the shunt, a proportional millivolt output is produced. The current flowing through the shunts creates a voltage drop which can be measured with a measuring devices switched on in parallel. By switching on the shunts and the measuring devices in parallel, it is possible to use voltage measurement devices to measure the current or to gain an extension of the measuring facilities of the existing current measuring devices.
Shunts are used for the indirect monitoring of high electrical current. The series shunts accurately measure and convert high DC current into millivolt output. They are made from brass extrusions and high quality manganin resistance wire. The manganin resistance wire is noted for its excellent stability and extremely low temperature coefficient. Production of the shunts complied with the requirements of IEC 51/60051 part8 (1984) and DIN 43703. They are available for currents as high as 4000A and millivolt output as 60mV.
♦ Accuracy class
♦ Output
♦ Permissible overload
♦ Operating temp.
♦ Temperature co-efficient
: 0.5
: 60mV
: continuous 1.2 x rated current 5 seconds 5x rated current